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Sunday, June 26, 2022

Why we reject that God is the Author of Sin!

God is NOT the Author of Sin!

There are those who ask the question “Is not God the author of sin” out of curiosity. There are others who ask this question for the sake of encouraging a debate or discussion on the matter, not that they are convinced in themselves that God IS the author of sin; but there are others, not a few, who assert that God IS the author of sin! This to them is an ‘orthodox doctrine’, and if you differ they will even go so far as to call you an Antichrist! The article I have penned above is actually the outcome of such an accusation.

These who assert that God is the  author of sin are pretty set in their delusion (for delusion it is) and they will not listen to any other view on the matter. The attitude being – “My mind is made up, don’t confuse me with the facts”!

Their only defense is – “If the Bible says that God created all things, then He created sin too”! “It stands to reason, they say” and thus bow before the ‘god of reason’! Like the Jehovah’s Witnesses who just don’t see how the Lord Jesus can be both God and man at the same time. Reason, rationality and logic are all very good and have their place. But the Mighty Jehovah and His ways cannot be discovered or understood by these!

“Canst thou by SEARCHING find out God? Canst thou find out the Almighty UNTO PERFECTION? It is as high as heaven; what canst thou do? Deeper than hell; what canst thou know? The measure thereof is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea”. [Job 11:7-9]

“Lo, these are PARTS OF HIS WAYS: but how little a portion is heard of Him? but the thunder of His power who can understand”?  [Job 26:14]

There was a time when I used to wonder WHY God did not say things a little more plainly in the Scriptures. Why did He allow SEEMING contradictions in His Word? Like with the issue on hand, why did He not just put a verse in there somewhere that says, “I am not the author of sin”! This would have made life so easy for us who contend earnestly for the faith.

But it is only since a few years I am beginning to see more plainly that God wrote the Bible with one purpose in mind – to SAVE HIS ELECT AND TO CONFUSE AND DAMN THE REPROBATE!

When the disciples asked the Master why He spoke things in parables rather than just say things PLAINLY, He said – “Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them”. [Mark 4:11,12]

But there is ANOTHER reason why God wrote the Bible the way it is written; and that is  – “there MUST BE ALSO HERESIES among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you”. [1Cor 11:19]. How can there be ‘heresies’ if everything was plain and there were no verses which SEEMINGLY contradict the truth?!

Boettner was right when he said – “The Bible is NOT a work on Systematic Theology, but only the QUARRY out of which the stone for such a temple can be obtained”. You can tell me ANY cardinal doctrine of the Christian faith and I’ll show you at least a couple of verses that seem to teach the EXACT OPPOSITE!

Do you believe in the Holy Trinity? Why, my Bible tells me that ‘But to us there is but ONE GOD, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him’ [1Cor8:6]

Do you believe that salvation is by Faith alone? My Bible tells me that ‘BY WORKS a man is justified, and NOT BY FAITH ONLY’. [Jam 2:24]

Are you contending that the ‘Pentecostals’ are wrong and that ‘tongues’ are not for today? My Bible says – “I would that ye ALL spake with tongues”! And “FORBID NOT to speak with tongues” etc. [1Cor 14:5,39]

But you see ‘Doctrine’ is not built on a stray verse here and there, but by the PREPONDERANCE OF SCRIPTURE. What is the overall, dominating teaching of the Scriptures on a given subject? And if a verse or two seem to teach the opposite, we don’t pit Scripture against Scripture but harmonize the seemingly opposing verse or wait till God gives us further light.

Many untaught minds reject the doctrine of Election, because according to them, it would be unjust for God to save only a few and pass by the others. But we who have our understanding enlightened by the grace of God know that God does not owe man anything. He would be just if He sent us all to Hell, because we are a condemned race, already tried and condemned in our head – Adam!

And we who reject the teaching that God is ‘the author of sin’, do so, not because we are blind or deluded as the Arminian; but because we are persuaded that “surely GOD WILL NOT DO WICKEDLY, neither will the Almighty PERVERT JUDGMENT”. “Shall not the Judge of all the earth DO RIGHT”? [Gen 18:25]

To take an innocent unfallen Adam, infuse sin into him and ‘make him to sin’ and then condemn him and his posterity to an unimaginable Hell Fire for all ETERNITY, is NOT THE NATURE OF THE GOD WE HAVE COME TO KNOW!

As the Apostle affirms – “This then is the message which we have heard of Him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in HIM IS NO DARKNESS AT ALL”! [1John 1:5]

We cannot conceive of a thrice Holy God who is ‘All day long stretching forth His hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people’ to repent [Rom 10:21], while at the same time infusing sin into them and making them disobedient!

There ARE mysteries in the Bible. How God can become a man and be God at the same time is a mystery. It is called the ‘great mystery of Godliness’ [1Tim 3:16]. In like manner the origin of sin is a mystery! Scripture in one place calls it ‘the mystery of iniquity’ [2Thes 2:7]. God has deemed it best not to reveal its origin, nor has He claimed to be the Author of it! The best minds in divinity have searched this out for centuries and come to the conclusion, that GOD IS NOT THE AUTHOR OF SIN, though He has decreed it, permitted it in His universe and channels it to His glory!

Those who charge God with this folly only REPROACH AND BLASHEME GOD, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God! And the Day is coming when He shall ask of them – “WHO hath required this at your hand”?! And He will charge them with the same charge as he did Job’s ‘friends’ – ‘Ye have not spoken of Me THE THING THAT IS RIGHT”! [Job 42:7]

#Sin #GodisNOTtheAuthorofSin

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