
G2, Naveen Residency, Hemanagar Road Number :9,Boduppal, Secunderabad, Telangana 500039 ,Country, INDIA

Wednesday, June 29, 2022


How I Distinguish Between the Gospel and False Gospels


Jesus said, "Take heed that no one deceives you, for many false christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect" (Mt 24:4, 24). How can you know if you are the victim of a false gospel. By testing it with God's Word. 

Given below is a checklist for you to checkout.              

1. If the preacher, you're listening  to speaks mainly on God's love, His blessings, health, wealth and prosperity etc. He is preaching a false gospel. The true gospel lays emphasis on sin, repentance, hell, damnation and the Judgement day, which the majority don't want to hear about (Read II Tim 4:2-4). 

2. Do all men speak well of the preacher you're listening to? Do political ministers and bishops of the Roman Catholic faith speak well of him and assist him in his meetings? Then he is a false prophet and he is preaching a false gospel. The Lord Jesus said, "Woe unto you when all men speak well of you, for so did, their fathers to the false prophets"(Lk 6:26, Jam 4:4). 

3. Does the preacher ask for "Seed-faith offerings"? Does he promise special healings and financial miracles for those who send him money? If so, then he is preaching a give-to-get gospel which appeals to your greed. The Bible warns of preachers who teach that godliness is a means of gain, from such withdraw yourself. As a Christian our motive for giving should be gratitude and not greed.(Read I Tim 6:5-10). 

4. Carefully examine the miracles and signs performed by the preacher in the light of God's word. 

(a) Do people fall down when the preacher lays his hands on them? Are they 'Slain in the spirit '?If so, this is unbiblical, for the Bible   says that our spirits are subject to us and God has given us a spirit of self control. I Cor 14:32, II Tim 1:7).The Holy Spirit does not over rule our spirits and knock us down, for He is gentle. Therefore the spirit that knocks people down in meetings is NOT of God.

(b) Do people start laughing beyond their control when the preacher 1ays hands on them (Holy laughter)? If so, this is demonic and has nothing to do with the Spirit of God. Jesus said "Woe unto you that laugh, for you shall weep. (Lk 6:25, Jam 4:9). 

(c) Does the preacher call out names of people and reveal their affairs? 

This practice is not of God. Don't be impressed if the preacher calls out your name and reveals your affairs. Any fortune teller with a spirit of divination can do the same but the Lord has not appointed such for us! (Acts 16:16, 17, Deut 18:14). 

    Dear Friend, if you are part of a church or ministry that has the above characteristics then you need to come out of it. This is God's command. "Come out of her my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues"(Rev 18:4). Read Revelation chapters 2&3, and you will see that God's judgement is going to fall on the churches who have been unfaithful to Him and His word. 

It is not enough to say that you love Jesus, and then attend regular Sunday service and a weekly Bible study. If you really love Him, then start living for Him. Get involved in His work. Tell others about Him. Don't just preach the truth, but preach against the lie too (Eph 5:11). Genuine Salvation exposes the false message of salvation.

If you are a Hindu or a Muslim or a Roman Catholic come out of it, follow Jesus Christ and warn people who are still in it to come out of it too. Remember, if your message or life does not offend any body you are probably not God's child (In 15:19,20, I1 Tim 3:12).  

If you are still trying to please men and not offend any body like so many 'pastors' and false prophets, then you should not claim to be the servant of Christ (Gal 1:10). 

Friend, be hot or be cold, but please don't be lukewarm (Rev 3:15,16). The Word of God admonishes us to contend for the faith which was once delivered to the saints (Jude 3). If this tract has stirred your conscience and you truly want to follow Jesus and live for Him, then we would like to help you. 

We love you in Jesus.

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